Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Music to my ears

I was presented with an interesting thought today. While talking with a sweet friend, we discussed music and how it has helped her migraines lessen. So, I thought to myself, "Self, I wonder how music stimulation helps reduce pain or increase thinking?" I recalled doing high school science experiments on tomato plants with regard to music. Tomato plants grew towards the CD player when classical music was played. Does such a powerful technique truly exist? Can learning be enhanced or pain be reduced through the use of classical music? I know it is soothing, but why? One of my friend's doctors recommended listening to classical music mixed with ocean waves - why is that special?
Here is a website that discusses the psychology of music. Very helpful.
Also, if you want a list of "Happy Songs", you should check out the link here.

Monday, February 27, 2012