Thursday, March 7, 2013

Teachable moments

Today, I was faced with the incredible opportunity to explain to one of my most disobedient students who has lots of behavior challenges what a very pertinent word meant. During our bathroom break before lunch, he stepped out of line and walked over to me. He paused, then said, "Teacher, what does 'unteachable' mean?" cricket...
This is coming from the child who had a terrible day the day before and had to sit through a very blunt teacher/parent conference about his behavior.
I began praising the Lord. Thank you for the opportunity to explain to this child what "unteachable" means.
I explained. He paused again.
"Teacher, am I unteachable?" cricket cricket.....................
Praise be to the Heavenly Father who controls all things. He gave me the right things to say at the right moment.
I told him that he wasn't always unteachable, but that there were definitely times that he was.
He nodded and walked back to the line.
A few minutes later, he came back over and said, "Teacher, what does 'teachable' mean?"
God, you are so good. Thank you....Thank you!!!!!
I explained and praised the Lord for teachable moments.

On a funny note, this was a discussion I heard at the end of lunch:
child 1: I was baptized once.
child 2, 3, and 4: Me, too. So was my mom. So was I! I was baptized twice. (you know how kids are...they agree to almost anything that the other kids say)
child 5: I was dehydrated one time.