Thursday, June 8, 2017

A trip down memory lane

After packing and cleaning all weekend, I did my walk-through at my apartment Monday. It was very strange to see the apartment that way - empty and bare. But to me it will always be full of memories.
Here are some of my favorites...

My first "home"!

Old roommates reuniting!
First few months, I slept on an air was interesting...

slowly making it home

Many meals, games, and crafts were held at this table!


Girls' bible study

It snowed!!!

Caroline, Anastasia is loosely based on a real story! *insert shock and awe*
Many cups of coffee were had here!

Watching "Grease Live"!!!!

Having friends over was definitely my favorite thing about my house!

When you both decide you need to eat the last of the pie in the fridge at the same time! #froomies


Also, lots of papers were graded here...lots. and lots....aaaaaaand lots.

This is where my "Once Upon a Princess Party" deal got started...many princesses got ready here!
See...lots of coffee.

I love decorating for Christmas, wrapping presents, watching Christmas movies!

New Year's Eve 2016!!! Oh how I love these people!

 Seriously, thank you for all the memories, friends. It's been a good run.