Monday, July 17, 2017

Summer fun

So, this summer has been very busy, but not the usual kind of busy for me. I typically spend a good portion of my summer working in my classroom preparing for the next year. But seeing as how my room is many miles away, I haven't done much "school prep" (much to my chagrin)!
I have, however, gotten to invest in relationships - which I love to do! I have been able to take time to visit with friends and family all over!!!

Our family gardens...can't you tell? That corn was delicious and the memories were delightful!

Hibachi with Montgomery friends!

 Love this sweet James and his mom! I'm so thankful to have been able to spend a lot of time with them this summer!
"Aunt" Hannah loves her some Ember!!! Happiest baby in the world!

Girls lunch (plus Batman) at Red Pearl in Birmingham [not pictured: Ember in her carrier at our feet]
Orientation for TeachBeyond was at Wheaton College in Illinois. It was lovely weather up there in June - and I can honestly say I was "chilly". Shocking, I know. My poor roommate, Rachel, has been teaching in Hawaii for the last 9 years, so she was freezing in the low 70 degree weather.

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." Jim Elliot
all of "Heather's girls" at TeachBeyond Orientation

 We spent a good deal of time in meetings - like almost every hour of every day that week. It was exhausting, overwhelming, encouraging, eye-opening, challenging, and about a hundred more words! I'm so thankful that TeachBeyond does so much to train us and prepare us for our lives overseas!
I also got to meet some pretty cool people!

learning to make a newsletter
where we spent most of our time

 Two of the amazing women I met there. Heather (left) is the one who interviewed me, checked in on me, and helped me navigate through the application/acceptance process into TB. Christy (right) I met at orientation and we immediately hit it off - having deep, heart-to-heart conversations. Both women are incredible and inspiring, and I am so thankful to have met them!
BUDAPEST CREW!!!! (Fun side note: the boy in orange will be one of my student's next year)
 Here are some shots around Elba - my stateside home.

July 4th on the town square

fireworks over the courthouse