Monday, March 5, 2012

Assignment 7

I had to do an assignment to define Facebook, Twitter, texting, and Blogs. Then I had to answer some questions about them. Here are two of my questions and answers.

Some schools do not allow students or teachers to access sites such as Facebook or Twitter. Explain why they are correct and give reasons/examples. Facebook and Twitter can be very distracting. It is easy to not pay attention or do the assigned task when you can be on Facebook or Twitter. It would also be very unfair if a teacher was on Facebook or Twitter while at school if the students are not allowed to be. This also shows that the teacher is not interested in the students, and it shows that she is not paying attention to them. It also wastes time. If a computer lab had access to these accounts, students could easily sit through lab time and do nothing for school. Facebook and Twitter are also easy ways to bully. Without immediate access to Facebook or Twitter at school, bullying can be lessened slightly.

Some schools do not allow students or teachers to access sites such as Facebook or Twitter. Explain why they are wrong and give reasons/examples. A person of interest who is on Facebook could be helpful when studying specific things. If a certain farmer’s market is on Facebook (while students are learning about farmer’s markets), the students could see what is happening at the farmer’s market. It could also be a good tool to teach about advertising. Allowing Facebook is also a way to monitor what kids are on Facebook during class. Twitter could also be useful if you are learning about certain people (ex: Tim Tebow), and you wanted to see what they were “tweeting” recently. It could also be an interesting way to supplement what you are teaching (ex: stock markets on Twitter:!/DTNStockMarket).

Do you have an answer to these questions?

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