Saturday, December 31, 2016

Welcome 2017!

To all you who have shown support and encouragement already...THANK YOU!! I am so blessed to have so many friends and family who are excited to partner with me!
Below is the link to my personalized giving page!!!

Also, if you go to the TeachBeyond giving page, you can also donate! Just use my name and this account number (40525). Don't worry, this is not like a bank account number - it is simply tied to me! 

If you feel like doing an end-of-the-year donation, it's all set up - and I thank you in advanced!
There will be more info posted regularly here on my blog, so check back for more details!
Many blessings upon you and yours as this New Year begins!
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
(Old Irish Blessing)

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

I'm going to.....

Well, it's official! I'm going to be teaching at the.....

International Christian School in Budapest!!

Hooray! Adventures of Hannah in Hungary has begun! I have been offered an elementary school position and will be finding out what grade in the coming months. The sending agency that I am going through is TeachBeyond (check out their website here) and I am so thrilled to be partnered with them (since they really know what they are doing)!! The school is amazing and I am incredibly blessed to work under David Welsh, who I had the privilege of meeting along with his wife, Jennifer, in June at Cafe Louisa's in Old Cloverdale. Little did I know at that time that they were exactly who the Lord wanted me working for! I have heard so many great things about the school, and if you are interested in learning more, check out their webpage!⭅

There are SO many things that will be coming down the road for me in the next few months!! One of the biggest is raising prayer and financial support. I would so greatly appreciate you partnering with me and praying over me as I begin this support-raising journey! Pray that:
  1. God would prepare the way for me as I begin support raising and preparing myself to go overseas. (more on that later)
  2. God will protect me from the attacks of the enemy. I know this is exactly what Satan does not want me doing, and I feel certain that all areas of my life and work will be targeted. Pray for strength to keep pursuing what the Lord has called me to do.
  3. God will give me wisdom as I begin to cover all the details. There are so many details, y'all! I find myself stressing over all the "to-do" lists that are building and all the big and little details that are being presented to me (ME - of all people) to accomplish. It is most definitely a God-sized task (as is this whole process)!
  4. God will begin preparing the hearts of the people I will work with in Budapest (coworkers, students, missionaries and MKs, random people who God will put in my path). I wouldn't be going if there wasn't a need. I am so looking forward to being able to "give back" to the MKs, like so many wonderful young missionaries did to me in years gone by!
  5. I will not have a lot of migraines during this process. I get them when I am stressed and exhausted (and I see some of that in my future...haha). 
  6. I will have a good physical (in the next few months) and get a clean bill-of-health.
  7. God will give me the ability to prepare to go, but also to finish the task at hand - teaching at Montgomery Christian School. Pray that I will be filled with energy and love for those that are currently under my care, and that I will not lose sight of the moments He needs me here by becoming enraptured by the things He has for me in the future. To everything there is a season.
  8. God will provide a replacement first grade teacher at MCS to take my place for the next school year. 

  This is just the tip of the iceberg! There are so many things that will be happening in 2017 and I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store! If any of you are already interested in helping to support me on this journey, I would love to have your e-mail address so that I can contact you when I know more! 

My new e-mail is 
(I will still have my gmail account, but I will begin shifting over to my TeachBeyond e-mail as the year progresses). I will also have prayer cards and a personalized giving page that will be ready soon and will have more information about my adventure in Budapest! I will probably be using my blog (this one) as my personal newsletter for the time being, so save it as one of your favorites (this is a helpful link on how to do that) so that you can keep up with what's going on with the 
                    Adventures of Hannah In Hungary!
skype: hhocutt
personalized giving page: TBA


Friday, September 30, 2016

When the road ahead begins to curve...

God has been doing some mighty things in my life over the past years, but especially in the past few months.
"And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left." Isaiah 30:21
For the last several years, He has begun making it clear to me that I need to have complete trust in Him and His plans for my life. My life is far from what I imagined, but I am learning, daily, to thank Him for being in control and for guiding my life where He wants it. I have also been so overwhelmed by His endless grace and faithfulness, even when…especially when…I fail Him! He used a very difficult student several years ago to reveal to me just how great His mercy TO ME is, and how undeserving I am. God has also been teaching me that I must find “who I am” in Him alone. For a people person, that is very hard! I love to be surrounded by people and fun, always making memories and having a good old time! But, living as a single person has been hard! Even though it’s been hard, I am constantly reminded by the Lord that being with people is not what fulfills me or truly renews my energy. HE alone can provide what I need and be enough. This, too, has not been an easy journey!

The most recent journey that the Lord has been taking me on has been the hardest yet.
In March, God used a random friend, along with several other random (to my eyes) friends and conversations to start me on a whole new path! After praying a lot and seeking the counsel of some godly friends and family, I am so excited to tell you that I will be moving overseas to teach at an International Christian School!! As I’ve prayed, the Lord has revealed each step of the way! Honestly, though, He hasn’t revealed much more than a few steps at a time! I know He wants me to go next summer/fall, but He has yet to fully give me direction on which school! Most International Christian Schools are faith-based and basically “volunteer”, which means I will not receive a traditional paycheck. However, I am not worried, because the Lord is ultimately in control! I will begin support raising soon and am fully trusting that the Lord will provide how He pleases! I love the quote from Hudson Taylor, the great missionary to China, which says, “God’s will, done in God’s way, will never lack God’s provision.” I am fully confident that the Lord will provide for me every step of the way! Because of having to support raise, I was guided by several friends who have worked overseas to pursue a mission sending agency. All I have known was the IMB, so this is very new for me! For the past several months, I have been in communication with someone from TeachBeyond, which is a mission sending agency specifically for teachers who are going overseas. They have put me in contact with several schools overseas and I have been actively praying for God’s guidance as to where He wants me. I just found out that I have been accepted into the TeachBeyond program!

Here are some very specific ways you can pray for me:

  1. Pray for the Lord’s guidance and my faith to know which school to continue pursuing. Pray that I move “self” out of the way and fully seek the Lord’s will, not Hannah’s will. I have narrowed some options down, but I am still waiting on final decisions. 
  2. Pray for peace and calmness for me throughout the process. This school year is going to be busy and there are still a lot of big decisions that I have to make. I will also be having to handle lots of details in the process, and details are not my natural forte! 
  3. Pray for my heart as I begin the undertaking of raising my support. Please also pray for the men and women, girl and boys, that God has prepared to help support me! He is the great provider and will move His finances wherever He needs them, but pray that the people He urges will be sensitive to His guiding.

I am so thankful that God has put me where I am right now, but I am so excited to see what He has planned for me in the future! I have grown so much over the last several years and I am so thankful that He allowed me to have so many of you be a part of my life! I treasure you and greatly covet your prayers, as you come alongside me and intercede with me for the Father’s will to be done!

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.
Isaiah 6:8