Well, there has been some! Haha! It is slow and steady, but that's what wins the race, so they say!
So far,
I have .07% of my support raised! Yay! That is progress! Maybe this week we can bump that up to a double-digit number!! I am so thankful to the people who are following God's lead and have partnered with me so far! You are valued and you are what will help me make a difference in Budapest!
I am continuing to gather contact information for people and I would love you e-mail address! If I haven't already asked, please feel free to go ahead and send it to me at
Also, this is my personalized giving page, where you can join the Hungary team!
I do have a few
prayer requests, and I would love for you to intercede on my behalf.
- School. Yes, I am still teaching, and yes it is still very busy and very exhausting and very rewarding! I have seen so much growth in my students throughout the year, but I ask you to continue to pray for strength as I juggle many hats right now, one of the most important being "teacher".
- Support raising. I am thrilled to be learning to trust God at a new level as I embark on this journey of faith! Thank you to those of you who have already been praying for me daily! I can feel your prayers - bless you!! I ask that you continue to pray! Pray for strength, mentally and emotionally. There are so many details to work out right now and a lot of things to keep track of. Pray for boldness! Pray that I am able to step out in the confidence of the One who has sent me, knowing that He has said "Be strong and very courageous...I AM has sent you." (Josh 1:9 and Ex. 3:14). Pray that I can maximize the time I have available and use it the best way I can! Pray for endurance, as I "press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (Phil 3:14)
- Ministry partners. Pray the God begins to move in the hearts of believers and that He gives them a passion for Budapest and ICSB. Pray that they seek His will for their finances and that they would be greatly blessed!

Friend, I am blessed to have you on the Lord's side. Thank you for all you have done/will do for the kingdom!
Following His Call,
skype: hhocutt