Saturday, February 18, 2017


Thank you, Wikipedia, for making me look smart! 😊

******* confetti ******* cheers ******* confetti ****** cheers *******

 I am so thankful for how the Lord is providing! Still have 85% to go before I can purchase my plane ticket!! To all of you who have supported me financially and in prayer, I am so thankful for your partnership! You are a blessing, even if you don't know it! For all of you that are interested, pray about how God might want to use you!
I am looking forward to more years of partnering with you as the Lord furthers His Kingdom in Budapest!! 

Check out my personal giving page to see how the Lord can use you!

My e-mail is - if you have any prayer requests, let me know and I will pray!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


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Well, there has been some! Haha! It is slow and steady, but that's what wins the race, so they say!
So far, I have .07% of my support raised! Yay! That is progress! Maybe this week we can bump that up to a double-digit number!! I am so thankful to the people who are following God's lead and have partnered with me so far! You are valued and you are what will help me make a difference in Budapest!

I am continuing to gather contact information for people and I would love you e-mail address! If I haven't already asked, please feel free to go ahead and send it to me at

Also, this is my personalized giving page, where you can join the Hungary team! GIVE HERE!

I do have a few prayer requests, and I would love for you to intercede on my behalf.
  1. School. Yes, I am still teaching, and yes it is still very busy and very exhausting and very rewarding! I have seen so much growth in my students throughout the year, but I ask you to continue to pray for strength as I juggle many hats right now, one of the most important being "teacher".
  2. Support raising. I am thrilled to be learning to trust God at a new level as I embark on this journey of faith! Thank you to those of you who have already been praying for me daily! I can feel your prayers - bless you!! I ask that you continue to pray! Pray for strength, mentally and emotionally. There are so many details to work out right now and a lot of things to keep track of. Pray for boldness! Pray that I am able to step out in the confidence of the One who has sent me, knowing that He has said "Be strong and very courageous...I AM has sent you." (Josh 1:9 and Ex. 3:14). Pray that I can maximize the time I have available and use it the best way I can! Pray for endurance, as I "press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (Phil 3:14)
  3. Ministry partners. Pray the God begins to move in the hearts of believers and that He gives them a passion for Budapest and ICSB. Pray that they seek His will for their finances and that they would be greatly blessed!
Friend, I am blessed to have you on the Lord's side. Thank you for all you have done/will do for the kingdom!

Following His Call,
skype: hhocutt