Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Sorrento, Positano, Amalfi Coast - ITALY

The last two days we slowed down a lot. We were exhausted and were thankful that most of our planning had been at the front end of the trip. We enjoyed our lovely "private beach".

We literally had to take an elevator about 5 floors down to get there.

She's pretty great!

Vesuvius in the background

Citrus grows literally everywhere

We took a trip to Positano (one of the most frustrating bus rides I've ever experienced) - and stayed all of an hour. It was threatening rain and there were a ton of people. I was reminded of our fallen world as I was surrounded by "paradise for the wealthy" and yet saw arguments, anger, and broken marriages all around me. Thank God for His salvation through Jesus, because we, as a fallen race, sure need it! Even what we try to make "paradise" is filthy rags compared to eternity!

And, again, everything on the Amalfi Coast is a cliff.

Citrus is literally everywhere! And this lemon limb had been grafted onto an orange tree! Sweet!

If you know anything about me, you'll know that wisteria is one of my absolutely favorite flowers! Even though it's highly invasive...I still adore it!! And it grows all over Italy!

We walked around Sorrento after a rest at the hotel, and then had another scrumptious dinner.

Our last day, we spent a little bit of time sitting on park benches waiting for our bus to the Napoli airport. Lovely views.
Long bus ride. Huge mistake - not going to the bathroom before our 1.5 hour bus ride. Oops.
Waited for a couple hours at the airport to board the plane back to Budapest.

The return to Budapest was also exhausting, frustrating, and took it's toll. Thankful for a friend who picked us up from the airport and took us the "scenic route" home! Haha!
They even left the lights on at Parliament to welcome us back!

I spent the entire next day recouping from the adventure.

It was worth it and I'm so thankful to have had a trusted friend by my side experiencing it with me!

What a blessing!!

Happy Spring, everyone!

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