Tuesday, September 4, 2018

On dogs and children...

One thing that has shocked me about living here has been the dogs.

I was on a walk tonight, enjoying the solitude and the crisp evening air. It helps me unwind after I've had a long day. My thoughts flow freely and go nowhere in particular. My brain is able to rest and not fire a million times a second; answering questions, comforting dauntless woes, watching for accidents, cleaning up messes, and repeating instructions (to name a few). Walking or running after school is, oddly enough, relaxing for me. It's my "therapy", if you will.

While I was walking, I passed many dogs and their masters. Just like times before, I was struck with the self-control and obedience of these dogs. Out of the fifteen or so I passed, two were on a leash. It seems as if it's "required" for dogs to be well-trained. Obedience classes are held very frequently, and ever green space in our little Diosd usually has a handful of dogs in it. But, strangely enough, I've never seen a "wild" or "out of control" dog. And most of the time the dogs are off leash. I watched as dogs were commanded gently to "heel" (however you say that in Hungarian), and I watched them instantly obey. Many times they remain frozen until I pass them. Sometimes they return instantly to their owner's side. I've never had a dog chase after me, or wander over to sniff me. There is just this understood agreement that they shouldn't interact with strangers unless they are told to. And then they go on their merry way; sniffing, exploring, and prancing through the grass and small roads.

Yet another interesting thing is "old wives tales" and superstitions.

It is very common here to go on walks with your babies or young children. As I look out my window during dinner, I see countless couples walking with babies in strollers, toddlers wobbling beside them, and children walking or riding tiny bikes. This is an Eastern European belief: that all babies must have fresh air in order to grow - regardless of the temperature. They will be out walking when it's warm. They will also be bundled up out walking when it's snowy. It is a must in Baby 101. Sometimes it's grandmas walking them. Sometimes it's mom. But a lot of times it's mom and dad. That's my favorite. I love watching these parents, sometimes with a brand new baby, stroll around. They are bonding with each other with just that simple act. I don't know what they're talking about. I don't know what their relationship is like. But I love watching them be intentional with their time and invest in that walk with their child and each other.

Then I think about my own culture.

I can count on one hand the number of well-trained, obedient dogs I've met in my life.

Don't get me wrong. I love dogs. I also love watching dogs run wild and free in the country. I love watching dogs play chase and fetch. I have wonderful memories of playing tag with my loving black lab as a kid. But most of the dogs I grew up with did not have the best self-control or obedience.

And I started wondering why tonight. Why? Why do most dogs I encounter in America run wild and free? Why isn't it more common to have well-trained dogs? Why don't we invest in obedience school? Why don't we require obedience when we are giving commands? Why does correction seem to come late and tend to be harsh and ineffective?

Unfortunately, the same can be said for many kids I see in my own culture.

Children get to be in charge and define boundaries. Children get to run wild and unchecked. Children get to decide what they do or they don't do. Children aren't getting lots of time with their parents because they are all busy. Children are not running around or playing in the fresh air. Spending time with each other isn't as valued as it used to be.

I am pointing no fingers...I'm just musing.
And I can't say that I would be any better, as a dog-owner or a parent.

It just leaves me wondering...why is the Hungarian culture so starkly different in these two areas compared to the American culture?


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