Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sunkissed in Cyprus

That was what we were hoping for! And God was gracious and gave us a few days of blissful sunshine!
Cyprus was gorgeous! It was exactly what I needed. I hadn't realized just how much stress I had been carrying from school and life, until I felt it start to roll off me when we got to the island.

My mind cleared.
My body relaxed.
My heart calmed.

Your well-being is important. You have to find ways to get rest in order to keep from burning out. I don't mean, you need to remove yourself from all situations that require work. That is what God has called us to do - work (Matt 16:24). But Jesus Himself also demonstrated the importance of rest (Matt 14:23). There needs to be moments of rest, but those are all to help us keep working for the Lord! If we never find ways to rest, that's when we burnout to the point of not being useful for the Kingdom. Rest is important.
[I like this article, really because they put the first thing first: rest time with God! I like this article because it explains the importance (and sacrifice) of Sabbath. If you find yourself struggling with the idea of rest, read this. If you wrestle with working when you should rest, and resting when you should work, read this. And last, as I read this article and heard this song playing in my head.]

Now, I will show you what "rest" looked like for my in Cyprus, enabling me to get back to my job of investing in the hearts of the students at my school.

The first day was rainy off and on, but it was still a blast. Fairly steady temperatures even in the rain. Coolish water. Overcast skies. But a delightful day. We walked over ten miles - my knees and feet definitely felt it!
We took the bus from Ayia Napa to Konnos Beach and then walked the way back.

We swam in the water at Konnos Beach, even though the skies were stormy and gray.

We hiked to the Cyclops Caves, dodging rain and snacking along the way.

Then we hiked all the way to Cape Greco. I feel like the landscape is similar to the lands of the Bible and it was pretty amazing to hike along rocky trails, imagining Paul or other disciples walking similar paths.

Cape Greco is supposedly the easternmost point of Europe. Turkey isn't considered Europe and the northern part of the island is Turkish. [We were told that on a clear night, you can look across the sea and see the lights of Syria]

The views were lovely, even with the overcast skies.

We stopped into a few more caves on the way and saw a natural bridge.

We ate a delicious hot "mix" sandwich from a sandwich truck (we were recommended to do that, but we think we got it from the wrong, oh well.).

And we walked. And walked. And walked. And walked.

The next day started with a crazy big storm, but then the skies gloriously cleared and we hiked down to Nissi Beach - which is the big tourist beach. I see why, because it's lovely!

The water was nothing short of magical! Cool but clear and so relaxing! Shallow for a long way out and protected in a little bay. It was pretty busy, but it was worth it! We soaked up some sun, playing in the water, and just relaxed. Delightful.

 Finished the evening off with a posh fish meze dinner at En Yevo - TOTALLY recommend this place! (Insert heart eyes emoji)
This was our little visitor friend - the waiters are so sweet to the cats, and yet the cats don't even get in the way!
And this is just a sample of our scrumptious fish meze!

The following day we basically did the same thing, and it was totally worth it! We needed that rest - at least I needed that rest. It was beautiful to see the creation God made in Cyprus and how different it is from Budapest. He is an incredibly creative and amazing God, to have made such different climates and cultures. It's marvelous that He allows us to enjoy it!

The trek back on Sunday was a little bittersweet - I could have stayed and soaked up some more sun and sand (and good food). I know it was the perfect amount of time though - it was enough rest that I felt renewed, but not too much to where I felt lazy and unmotivated to work. God is good. I felt a renewed joy in teaching when I returned that I honesty hadn't realized I had lost. It's easy to get bogged down in the trenches and to not even realize how "unhealthy" you've gotten.

I am grateful that I was able to get away, rest, and fellowship with Anna. I am also thankful to have been able to spend undistributed, uninterrupted, indefinite time with the Lord without having to abide by a schedule! 
I only needed a few days of that to feel rested and rejuvenated - ready to tackle the next things God has for me!

Sunday, February 17, 2019

52-week blog challenge - week 3 (and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7) ugh...

 I am so so so behind - soooo this will be a condensed version of the weeks I've missed.

Week 3 
Meet My Family...

But, here's my fam jam.
My number one support team.
The humans who know me the best...
.............and still love me.

The head of our family.
Our hero.
Our protector.
The best representation of what my Heavenly Father is like: loving, intentional, looking out for me, supportive, and encouraging.

My dad has such a huge heart. He will bend over backwards to help someone. His words are always full of encouragement and you will be sure of his love and support. He knew how sensitive I was (am...), and he has done a great job of teaching and guiding me with such gentle love and correction. I am so incredibly blessed to have been raised by this wonderful man!

The rock solid support.
Our truth seeker and speaker.
A wonderful, gifted teacher.

My mom's walk with God is such a beautiful thing. She holds so tightly to Him, clinging to Him for strength in her own weakness. She has welcomed us in to watch her walk with God as we've grown up - which must be a humbling, hard thing to do. She speaks truth and wisdom. She's who I go to for advice, and who I immediately talk to when I need prayer. I am beyond blessed to call her mom.

My sister (almost twin).
Avid reader.
The one who knows me best.

She has literally been there my whole life. She's a little like a guardian angel/second mom/body guard/best friend. She would pick on me (naturally, as the oldest sister), but heaven help you if you picked on me. I'm so thankful for this soul sister that's walked through literally everything with me. We were there together for all the crazy life stages and countries and cultural experiences, and I'm so thankful for her!

The youngest.
The pianist.
The witty smartsie math one.

What a blessing my little brother is! I can't even imagine my life without him. At 16, I finally became a big sister and gave up my spot as the baby in the family. He made life super interesting and it has been so incredible to watch him grow up. He's had to put up with practically having three moms - oops. He's smart. He's stubborn. He's talented. I could listen to him play piano all day. I hate to be missing so much of his life right now. He's growing up so fast and I tear up a little each time I see him. So thankful that God had plans for this little one to be part of our family back in 2003!

Week 4
Top 4 places I'd like to visit with one photo to show why:
  1. Greece
    Zante Island - Greece -
  2. Slovenia
    Lake Bled - Slovenia -
  3. Croatia
    Plitvice lakes - Croatia -
  4. Iceland
    Seljalandsfoss Waterfall - Southern Coast -
  5. Spain
    Andalusia province - Spain -
    I know that was short, but I'm behind.  

Week 5
My favorite holiday: Christmas.

A time of family.
Celebrating the love that was given to us through the birth (and eventually death and resurrection) of Jesus.
Cozy living rooms with Christmas trees.
Yummy food.
More time with family.
Wonderfully romantic and enchanting Christmas music and Christmas lights. 
White Christmas.
Fun Christmas clothes.

Week 6
Ten years from now...
No clue. Can't even predict that. I have no way of knowing what God has planned for me. I know I'll be older, and hopefully wiser. All I can commit to is that I'll still be loving the Lord and serving Him wherever He wants me (Lord willing).

Week 7
My childhood memories.

One very distinct memory that I can still see, feel, and hear, happened at the cabin near my grandmothers. We were living there when my grandfather passed away. There was a pond in front of the cabin but we were never aloud to swim in it (still not really sure why). We did like to throw a Frisbee for our black lab out into the water. She would run to the pond, jump in, and paddle out to get it. But this particular time, for some reason she hit it with her paw and it sank. It hadn't been thrown too far out (remember, we were kids with wimpy arms) so we decided to go in and get it. My sister and I timidly began walking into the pond were we dock the little fishing boats. It was incredibly squishy and soft. Our feet immediately sank. The water was murky and brown and we couldn't see more than a few inches into the water. We also liked to fish in the pond and we were fully aware that there were snapping turtles. I remember the fear of each step as we were feeling with our toes to try and find the Frisbee, yet hoping that we wouldn't experience a SNAP from a snapping turtle. I'm sure the snapping turtles were no where around because our dog had been fetching for a while before we went in. Lots of splashing and noise. Now that we were wading in waist deep and then chest deep, feet and toes squishing into the muck at the bottom of the lake, there was even more noise - squealing and screaming each time we touched anything. I don't remember who found it or even if we ever did. But it's a very poignant memory.

In lieu of flowers...

Valentine's Day has a certain stigma when you are single. It's dreaded because you become painfully aware of what the world declares is love...and the fact that you don't have it.
This year, Valentine's Day fell smack dab in the middle of one of the craziest weeks here at ICSB - tournament week. Each day is a different dress up day (so much fun, of course). It all culminates in Thursday's pep rally before school is over and then...let the games begin! But, not so conveniently placed in the middle of that is Valentine's Day AND the 100th day of school. Now, if you are an elementary teacher, the tension is probably already palpable for you just reading those words. Don't get me wrong, we had a BLAST!!! But it was definitely draining!

But that's not my point. My point was that it was gloriously freeing to have that "dreaded" point-out-all-your-friends-that-are-single day wedged in the middle of so many other things. It was like the smallest little blip on the radar compared to everything else we did during the week. We spent time doing fun, Valentine's related things; I wrote my kids cute little Valentine's notes; we had cake. It was a good day. But it wasn't all consuming and that was like a breath of fresh air. I didn't have time to focus on the fact that I didn't get what everyone (read "everyone") else was getting - dates, heart shaped chocolates, flowers, love notes, etc. But what I did get was my heart full to overflowing with love from my students and quality time with basically my whole ICSB family over the weekend as we tried to love like Jesus!

Our community rallied together to put on tournament week and basically everyone had a role (some small, some huge) that helped our school function this weekend. We were able to host schools from all over Eastern Europe and have a chance to show them God's love - even when it was tough (trust me...there's a long list of examples).
I watched as one Bulldog player united his team during an intense game where emotions were flying real high. He also encouraged peace on the sidelines and tried to offer an olive branch, so to speak, to the opposing team. That is an example of God's love in action.
I watched another Bulldog player rally her team after a brutal loss, encouraging them to press on, and lifting their spirits even in the strain of losing an injured player. Because of her perseverance and joyfulness in the moment, the girls team was united and played well together - even pulling out a win! That's God's love in action.
I watched staff members in the background, unseen, pulling off so many different jobs to make the many events run smoothly. Most of the time those things were unobserved and unrecognized. Most of the time they weren't even required to do it. That's God's love in action.
I saw parents, stressed, sacrificing, serving to make sure people were fed (and had candy). Many of them weren't able to watch their own children competing in the basketball games because they were working various shifts. Yes, they may have been required to help - way to go junior parents - but the fact that I saw many of them smiling and engaging with the people they were serving says a lot for their character. That's God's love in action.
I saw several families that speak Russian purposefully reaching out to the two Russian teams that were here. Most of the players didn't speak English (and, I'll be honest, they were intense and very good at basketball). But these families included them into their fold and made efforts to communicate with them and love on them. Many of us couldn't do that because of the language barrier. But watching those Russian-speaking families (parents and kids, and even a few Bulldog players) extend love and hospitality to those visitor teams was neat. One ICSB father sat beside a Russian player as he was with the nurse, helping translate as the nurse took his blood pressure. The Bulldogs had just lost to the Russians. That dad didn't have to be there, but he was willing. And as they talked, I saw the Russian player relaxing and smiling. That's God's love in action.

This whole line of thought came from one thing - reading back over 1 Corinthians 13 this morning.
I decided to read that chapter to my kids for morning devotions on Valentine's Day and I was reminded of what love really is. It's not about the flowers and chocolate (although I'm sure that's nice). Love should look more like what I saw being lived out through the ICSB community this weekend:
"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
 We have a chance to be this kind of love to the world around us. What are you going to do about it? 

The balls in your court.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

52-week blog challenge - week 2

My favorite things...

When I think of this phrase, I am immediately transported to scenes from my childhood favorite movie, The Sound of Music
{Seeing Salzburg was surreal...}
I cannot count the number of times I have sung that song in my life. Some very distinct times in my memory are the years I worked in landscaping. I was hot, tired, miserable and I would sing this to myself as I worked, because, you know, Maria does this "and then I don't feel so bad!" It kinda worked...
I've decided to do a list of my top 10 favorite things (of the an ENFP, it's almost always changing). There are some that stay consistently in this list (the closer you get to 1), but other things are added based on my current mood.

10. The country

Yes, I am a country girl. That will never change. I love vast areas of trees, pastures, hills, and two-lane country roads. It's actually been hard living in a huge city, because I don't have easy access to that revitalizing non-urban environment. I miss driving down country roads with the windows down, music loud. Passing cotton fields, woods, open pastures dotted with hay bales. Watching the sun set over the trees with the crickets singing in the background. It's so refreshing.

9. Dressing up
I like to dress up and look girly. I like to wear things that sparkle and twirl. I like to feel pretty. I also like to dress up like a princess sometimes.

8. Puppies

I love our dogs. I love cute, cuddly bundles of fluff. I love watching them play and run. I love that they love unashamedly and wholeheartedly. Complete devotion. If only people could love as well as dogs do.

7. Notes
I love receiving cards and notes from people. My bedroom walls are covered and the walls of my classroom by my desk are plastered with notes from my kids. I have boxes in storage that are full of notes from friends and students. It's amazing how one simple little thing can speak volumes into your life.

6. Coffee shop heart-to-hearts
I love coffee. I love friends (both the people and the show). I love hours of talking and catching up.
Some of the best conversations come from long, heart-to-hearts over a cup of coffee against a chill coffeehouse backdrop.
{Interested in these coffee shops? Left: Gossip Coffee Place / Right: My Little Melbourne}

5. Musicals
I don't have time or space to list off my favorite musicals (Sound of Music, Kiss me Kate, White Christmas, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, The Greatest Showman, Hairspray...I digress...). I love watching them. I love singing with them. I love re-watching them. I love dancing to them. I hold my breath sometimes in my favorite scenes because I can scarcely tear my eyes from what is happening. Pure magic.

4. Dancing
This is following quickly on the heels of musicals because they are so connected. Growing up watching musicals, I realized that music and dancing go hand-in-hand. I can hardly sit still when I hear good music. Sometimes it just pulls at your soul and you can't help but feel it come out in your body. In my head, the choreography just comes. I can't explain it. I can't always express it. But it's there - coursing through my body and my mind with every beat of the music. I have had the chance while teaching in Budapest to choreograph (with two very talented friends) two musicals. It has been an amazing adventure and a dream come true.

3. Laughing
Laughing is one of my favorite things to do. It releases endorphins and is a natural way to relieve stress! And it's just plain fun and enhances many a wonderful memory!

2. Music
Music is the heartbeat of my imagination, the dance that my makes life enjoyable, the steady thread that connects my dreams and desires. I cannot imagine a world without music. If I could have a life soundtrack, creating music for every moment of my time on earth, I would. It would be like living in a musical. Yay! I love making music. I love singing. Special moments are enhanced by music. I love listening to music when I've had a bad day or when I'm on top of the world. Music has the ability to completely relax and soothe you, but it can also add to the energy in a football stadium.
I step to the beat of my own music...and you can't stop the beat.
Current favs: La La Land soundtrack, The Greatest Showman soundtrack, anything Pentatonix, Ed Sheeran and Beyonce singing "Perfect", most country (especially Brad Paisley, Keith Urban, or Dan+Shay), and Hamilton.

1. Family
I owe it all to them. They have supported me and encouraged me for my whole life. They are an integral part of everything I do and almost every memory. I have two wonderful parents, who have made sure I know what it looks like to love the Lord and each other. I have a fantastic older sister! She knows me better than anyone else. She's married to a wonderful guy who has settled into our family very well! I have a younger brother who keeps me on my toes and is always ready to dance with me or laugh with me (except when I make him mad)! I love my family!!!!