Sunday, February 17, 2019

52-week blog challenge - week 3 (and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7) ugh...

 I am so so so behind - soooo this will be a condensed version of the weeks I've missed.

Week 3 
Meet My Family...

But, here's my fam jam.
My number one support team.
The humans who know me the best...
.............and still love me.

The head of our family.
Our hero.
Our protector.
The best representation of what my Heavenly Father is like: loving, intentional, looking out for me, supportive, and encouraging.

My dad has such a huge heart. He will bend over backwards to help someone. His words are always full of encouragement and you will be sure of his love and support. He knew how sensitive I was (am...), and he has done a great job of teaching and guiding me with such gentle love and correction. I am so incredibly blessed to have been raised by this wonderful man!

The rock solid support.
Our truth seeker and speaker.
A wonderful, gifted teacher.

My mom's walk with God is such a beautiful thing. She holds so tightly to Him, clinging to Him for strength in her own weakness. She has welcomed us in to watch her walk with God as we've grown up - which must be a humbling, hard thing to do. She speaks truth and wisdom. She's who I go to for advice, and who I immediately talk to when I need prayer. I am beyond blessed to call her mom.

My sister (almost twin).
Avid reader.
The one who knows me best.

She has literally been there my whole life. She's a little like a guardian angel/second mom/body guard/best friend. She would pick on me (naturally, as the oldest sister), but heaven help you if you picked on me. I'm so thankful for this soul sister that's walked through literally everything with me. We were there together for all the crazy life stages and countries and cultural experiences, and I'm so thankful for her!

The youngest.
The pianist.
The witty smartsie math one.

What a blessing my little brother is! I can't even imagine my life without him. At 16, I finally became a big sister and gave up my spot as the baby in the family. He made life super interesting and it has been so incredible to watch him grow up. He's had to put up with practically having three moms - oops. He's smart. He's stubborn. He's talented. I could listen to him play piano all day. I hate to be missing so much of his life right now. He's growing up so fast and I tear up a little each time I see him. So thankful that God had plans for this little one to be part of our family back in 2003!

Week 4
Top 4 places I'd like to visit with one photo to show why:
  1. Greece
    Zante Island - Greece -
  2. Slovenia
    Lake Bled - Slovenia -
  3. Croatia
    Plitvice lakes - Croatia -
  4. Iceland
    Seljalandsfoss Waterfall - Southern Coast -
  5. Spain
    Andalusia province - Spain -
    I know that was short, but I'm behind.  

Week 5
My favorite holiday: Christmas.

A time of family.
Celebrating the love that was given to us through the birth (and eventually death and resurrection) of Jesus.
Cozy living rooms with Christmas trees.
Yummy food.
More time with family.
Wonderfully romantic and enchanting Christmas music and Christmas lights. 
White Christmas.
Fun Christmas clothes.

Week 6
Ten years from now...
No clue. Can't even predict that. I have no way of knowing what God has planned for me. I know I'll be older, and hopefully wiser. All I can commit to is that I'll still be loving the Lord and serving Him wherever He wants me (Lord willing).

Week 7
My childhood memories.

One very distinct memory that I can still see, feel, and hear, happened at the cabin near my grandmothers. We were living there when my grandfather passed away. There was a pond in front of the cabin but we were never aloud to swim in it (still not really sure why). We did like to throw a Frisbee for our black lab out into the water. She would run to the pond, jump in, and paddle out to get it. But this particular time, for some reason she hit it with her paw and it sank. It hadn't been thrown too far out (remember, we were kids with wimpy arms) so we decided to go in and get it. My sister and I timidly began walking into the pond were we dock the little fishing boats. It was incredibly squishy and soft. Our feet immediately sank. The water was murky and brown and we couldn't see more than a few inches into the water. We also liked to fish in the pond and we were fully aware that there were snapping turtles. I remember the fear of each step as we were feeling with our toes to try and find the Frisbee, yet hoping that we wouldn't experience a SNAP from a snapping turtle. I'm sure the snapping turtles were no where around because our dog had been fetching for a while before we went in. Lots of splashing and noise. Now that we were wading in waist deep and then chest deep, feet and toes squishing into the muck at the bottom of the lake, there was even more noise - squealing and screaming each time we touched anything. I don't remember who found it or even if we ever did. But it's a very poignant memory.

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