Wednesday, August 29, 2012

with wings like eagles

I now have several class days under my belt (that is one cliche that I will not forget, but that is another story entirely). The Lord has been gracious in providing me so many things:
  • great mentor teacher and fabulous co-teachers who continue to encourage me and challenge me.
  • a little bit of extra finances - trust, for He will provide! (read this in Psalms 50 the other day: "For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.") God does not lack resources!
  • a place to lay my head at night that is only 15 minutes from school (instead of 47 minutes)!
  • more confidence in the classroom - as I continue to learn and grow, the Lord is blessing me with more confidence about teaching. There is still much to learn and many ways to grow, so please keep praying for me.
  • time to work on my plethora (good word choice!) of assignments for my internship and my graduate class. But, it the load only gets heavier from here! Pray that the Lord would strengthen me as I continue to pursue this passion He has given me! Isaiah 40:31 is one of my favorite verses, but a few verses before is also just as moving: "He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength...But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up on wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint." On the following page, in Isaiah 41:10, the Lord follows with another promise: "Fear though not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am they God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." My, how well the Lord knows grad school - even thousands of years ago! 
Thank you for your prayers! I covet them and can feel the Lord using them. Please keep praying for me!
Saved by Him alone.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

it has begun.

Friday was my first day in the classroom for my internship. Thanks to all you who have prayed and encouraged me as I begin this difficult yet beneficial semester. I will basically be co-teaching with the lead teacher throughout the fall. She has encouraged me to take as much responsibility as I can. She also has several years under her belt, so the ability to work with someone with that much experience is a huge blessing. Our first day with students, aka the first day of school, is MONDAY! AH! It's so soon and I (and my teacher) feel like we have so much to do between now and then! My teacher asked me to teach a get-to-know-you lesson that day, and also to write a welcome letter to the parents (which will be added to their first set of information that will be sent home with the students). For my getting-to-know-you activity, I will have the students take a test - yay, just what everyone wants to do on the first day of school! :) However, this test will be different: the students will have to answer some questions Ha - good luck, kids! The next activity will help the students get to know each other and help us as teachers get to know the students. They will complete a 3.2.1 index card: 3 things about your self, 2 things you want to do someday, and 1 thing you think no one knows about you. Then they will partner up, talk about what's on their cards, and then I will ask students what their partner said (helps them retain the information).
If you would like to pray for me, I would greatly covet your prayers. Pray that:
  • I would continue to trust the Lord as I still feel nervous about leading a classroom. Pray that I would remain above reproach ("Provide things honest in the sight of all men." Romans 12:17b).
  • the Lord would show Himself to me as I trust Him with my living situation (hoping to find somewhere to live so I do not have to commute 45 minutes one way). He has begun to teach me to pray that His Will would be done, rather than my piddly suggestions. 
  • my finances would be stretched, like the oil and flour of the widow (I Kings 17). PRAISE THE LORD for the blessings of scholarships!
  • I will be able to manage my time well, juggling assignments and work for my internship and my last class at AUM.
  • the Lord would protect me and keep me from getting sick. Also pray that He would supernaturally keep me from having many migraines while I am in the classroom.
  • I would be filled with God's love for each child in my classroom.
  • the Lord would begin to pave the way for a job. With graduation quickly approaching, the idea of finding a job is daunting. Pray that the Lord will open doors, as only He can. And pray that I will trust.
Thank y'all for supporting and praying for me. I am looking forward to what the Lord will teach me during these next few months!