Saturday, August 18, 2012

it has begun.

Friday was my first day in the classroom for my internship. Thanks to all you who have prayed and encouraged me as I begin this difficult yet beneficial semester. I will basically be co-teaching with the lead teacher throughout the fall. She has encouraged me to take as much responsibility as I can. She also has several years under her belt, so the ability to work with someone with that much experience is a huge blessing. Our first day with students, aka the first day of school, is MONDAY! AH! It's so soon and I (and my teacher) feel like we have so much to do between now and then! My teacher asked me to teach a get-to-know-you lesson that day, and also to write a welcome letter to the parents (which will be added to their first set of information that will be sent home with the students). For my getting-to-know-you activity, I will have the students take a test - yay, just what everyone wants to do on the first day of school! :) However, this test will be different: the students will have to answer some questions Ha - good luck, kids! The next activity will help the students get to know each other and help us as teachers get to know the students. They will complete a 3.2.1 index card: 3 things about your self, 2 things you want to do someday, and 1 thing you think no one knows about you. Then they will partner up, talk about what's on their cards, and then I will ask students what their partner said (helps them retain the information).
If you would like to pray for me, I would greatly covet your prayers. Pray that:
  • I would continue to trust the Lord as I still feel nervous about leading a classroom. Pray that I would remain above reproach ("Provide things honest in the sight of all men." Romans 12:17b).
  • the Lord would show Himself to me as I trust Him with my living situation (hoping to find somewhere to live so I do not have to commute 45 minutes one way). He has begun to teach me to pray that His Will would be done, rather than my piddly suggestions. 
  • my finances would be stretched, like the oil and flour of the widow (I Kings 17). PRAISE THE LORD for the blessings of scholarships!
  • I will be able to manage my time well, juggling assignments and work for my internship and my last class at AUM.
  • the Lord would protect me and keep me from getting sick. Also pray that He would supernaturally keep me from having many migraines while I am in the classroom.
  • I would be filled with God's love for each child in my classroom.
  • the Lord would begin to pave the way for a job. With graduation quickly approaching, the idea of finding a job is daunting. Pray that the Lord will open doors, as only He can. And pray that I will trust.
Thank y'all for supporting and praying for me. I am looking forward to what the Lord will teach me during these next few months!

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