Monday, August 14, 2017

First official tourist outing

The Lord blessed me with a precious friendship with the Jantz family four years ago in Montgomery, AL. We began attending the same church within a few weeks of each other, connected at a Labor Day church potluck, realized we had mutual friends, and have kept up ever since. They moved to Europe (I thought it was going to be to did they, actually) a few years ago.
Last summer, I was able to have coffee with the director of ICSB and his wife while they were visiting friends in Montgomery. We sat in Cafe Louisa's in Old Cloverdale and talked for over an hour. As we finished, David said, "You know, about this time last year, we sat in this same coffee shop at this same table talking with the Jantz's." My mouth dropped open. "How do you know the Jantz's?!" I exclaimed. He asked me the same thing! Instead of Brussels, their job had shifted and they were sent to Budapest. I was so excited to know that I would not only know the director and his wife once I arrived, but also this wonderful family!
Becky had been messaging me and encouraging me over the last few weeks in the US, and had mentioned wanting to take me to dinner once I arrived. We coordinated and settled on Saturday night, Aug. 12.
I didn't realize how exhausting that day would be when we planned it (physically and emotionally), but what a blessing it was to spend the evening touring Budapest and catching up with Becky and her daughter, Deborah.
Let me just tell you about the magic of this city! The history, architecture, stories, and views are stunning and completely fascinating! I don't remember all the facts and names, but I will share some of the pictures I took from that evening.

21 Hungarian Kitchen in the Castle District is where we ate dinner

 Started the meal off with malna lemonade (mahl-na lee-moh-nah-deh) - which was tart and refreshing. Then I had the chicken paprikash, which is one of the most traditional and famous meals here! It was also delicious! We finished off the meal with a cappuccino and excellent conversation!

I've been enchanted with this building since I saw pictures of it while researching Budapest. This is the Parliament building on the banks of the Danube River! It is absolutely as breathtaking in real life!

There are too many things to say to describe it all, but I'll just leave these pictures here.

The gorgeous Parliament building on the banks of the Danube!!!!!

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