Wednesday, September 12, 2012

always learning (just like my students)

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord..."
I know He has been thinking of me. He is good.

  • The Lord provided me with so much experience in the classroom. My mentor teacher and co-teachers have opened so many opportunities to me to teach. I don't always get it all right, but they let me try - experience that will be valuable to me some day.
  • The Lord laid on the hearts of some church members at my parents' church to donate some money to me. What a blessing! He truly does open the floodgates when we trust in Him!
  • My computer is my lifeline for graduate school. Without it, I can't complete work that is needed. I have been having trouble with my cord and have not been able to get power to my computer. I don't know exactly what the problem is, but it has caused major anxiety and frustration on my part (on several occasions). The Lord chose to let one of those occasions be yesterday and last night. Usually I try and try again and it will finally work. Sometimes I pray desperately, give it a minute, try one more time and it works. Yesterday, nothing worked. I was frustrated and went outside to talk to my dad on the phone (he is so encouraging and always willing to listen!). After a while, I figured I would go try one more time. I went inside, tried to plug the cord in, to no avail. No charge. I prayed, one last desperate prayer, plugged it in, and the light came on. Lord, forgive my doubt. Thank you for providing in my hour of need!!
  • Today was my first day teaching the whole day. My teacher was gone for the afternoon, due to an appointment. I was in charge - completely. No pressure! I was nervous, but the Lord gave me a calmness and helped me get through the day without any major mishaps! I also managed to teach everything in time. Today marked the first time I have ever taught on 9/11. I wish I had gotten to teach for the first time NOT on 9/11. Because many of these students have no understanding of 9/11 (they were born after it!), we decided to watch a 20 minutes Nickelodeon News video about 9/11. It was very well done and insightful. After the students watched it, we had a little discussion (which was also good). It kept me on my toes. Because of this unexpected "interruption" (I'm glad we chose to watch the video - it was good for them to see), our schedule for the whole day was thrown off. On top of that, my homeroom had to go to the library this morning, which threw off our schedule even more. Thankfully, this gave me an opportunity to cope and be flexible. Thank you, Lord.
  • Please continue to pray that the Lord will use me at the school and that I will learn so much.
  • Please continue to pray for my health and that I would be protected from migraines (the Lord has granted me relief thus far).
  • Please pray that I would be able to stay on top of my assignments, while still supporting my students and their learning.
  • Please pray for me as I prepare for my comprehensive exams (the dreaded comps!) on October 5th.

I know this was longer than normal. I just wanted to tell you what I have seen the Lord doing in my life.
He never ceases to show himself to me, including the sunset I watched tonight as I talked to my dad on the phone. True beauty.

"...thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." Jeremiah 29:11

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