Thursday, September 6, 2012

Climb are loved.

As I sit hear listening to "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus, so much of it soothes my weary being. It is a “you’ll make it” and a “pick yourself back up and shake it off” kind of song. Some of the lyrics really get me: "Every step I'm taking, every move I'm making feels lost with no direction, my faith is shaking, but I've got to keep trying, I've got to keep my head held high. There's always gonna be another mountain, I'm always gonna wanna make it move, Always gonna be an uphill battle, Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get's the climb."
 There will always be things that come up in life that make it hard, but, as I said this to a friend this evening, that’s what makes life life. We can’t expect our life to be without mountains, troublesome days, or difficulty. Even if you hear that voice saying “you’ll never make it”, that voice has been overcome! Rejoice, dear one! The Lord has overcome! He has overcome sin, our sinful nature, and Satan. You will make it, and it is all about what is waiting on the other side – just keep pushing on!
The Lord knew what songs I needed to hear tonight. Josh Groban’s "You are loved" came on within a few minutes of “The Climb”. “Don’t give up,” it says…“because you are loved.” Indeed, precious child, you are greatly loved; loved so much that a sinless Savior left glory above to walk in a sinful, difficult world, to die for those who rebelled against Him. Is that actually what the song says? No. But that is how the Lord spoke to me through that song. Read John 3:16 
That, dear one, is the reason we should never give up – that is love.

On a less serious note, this cartoon always makes me laugh :) You're welcome.

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