Tuesday, March 7, 2017



...is "the normal human body temperature in degrees Celsius" (which I will be needing to review before moving to Hungary).

...is "the number of plays William Shakespeare is said to have written".

..."was the international dialing code of the German Democratic Republic (aka East Germany). Today the +37 prefix is shared by Lithuania (+370), Latvia (+371), Estonia (+372), Moldova (+373), Armenia (+374), Belarus (+375), Andorra (+376), Monaco (+377), San Marino (+378) and Vatican City (+379)" (some of which are close-ish neighbors to Hungary).
[Thank you, wikipedia...]

Thirty-seven is also the percentage of support that I have raised! Praise the Lord!
I had the honor of speaking in my home church of Lakeview Baptist in Auburn, AL this weekend. What a privilege it was to stand in the same pulpit as many of my modern-day heroes of faith, including my parents - who stood in the same pulpit twenty+ years ago, sharing about where God was leading their family. It's surreal that I'm the second generation to be loved on by that church, prayed for by that church, and supported by that church as I go overseas to do what God has called me to do! What a blessing!

To those of you who are already supporting me, thank you! To those of you who are interested, please e-mail me (hhocutt@teachbeyond.org), because I would LOVE to set up a time to tell you more about what I will be doing in Budapest. I have already sent out one newsletter, and am still trying to get the hang of it (...sorry...). So if you didn't receive that e-mail, message me and I will double check to make sure I have your e-mail set up correctly! 

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers! The enemy is alive and well, and he clearly doesn't want me to continue down this path  (which makes me all the more motivated to continue down this path!)! Pray for strength to keep pushing through when things get hard. Pray for faith and trust in the ONLY THING that is constant - God! Pray for my current class, that I will be all-there for them and their families. Pray for our school as we push onward towards accreditation. (We should be finishing up at the end of March).

This song was sung on Sunday, and it resonates with me right now:

Precious cornerstone, sure foundation
You are faithful to the end
We are waiting, on You, Jesus
We believe You're all to us

Let the glory of Your name be the passion of the Church
Let the righteousness of God be a holy flame that burns
Let the saving love of Christ be the measure of our lives
We believe You're all to us

Only Son of God sent from Heaven
Hope and mercy at the cross
You are everything, You're the Promise
Jesus, You are all to us

When this passing world is over
We will see You face to face
And forever we will worship
Jesus, You are all to us  

May Jesus be all to you, friend.
More updates to come!! 😊
Following His call,

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