"Because He lives" by Bill and Gloria Gaither used to be one of those songs that I would sing, but didn't really enjoy. It just seemed...boring. But as I've grown (age-wise and spiritually), the words hold more meaning. Life has happened - good and bad - and I've learned a lot from the ups and downs that I (and people I love) have been dealt.
During the past week, as Easter approached, I have heard many sermons, and read devotionals and articles about the death and resurrection of Christ. This is such a pivotal part of our belief system.
If Christ didn't die for our sins, then we still owe the debt that we could never pay because of our imperfections (Hebrews 9:22 says "and without shedding of blood is no remission"). But, thankfully, He did - and His Father had to turn away because Christ was covered in all past/present/future sins...of the entire world. Hence the reason Christ screamed out on the cross "My God! My God! Why have you forsaken Me?" (You would too, if you were bearing all the wrath of God for all the sins of man)
And if Christ didn't rise from the dead, then our belief system would be equal to all other religions. All the other leaders of world religions eventually died. Christ did, in fact, die...but He didn't stay dead. No other religion can claim that. Christ is the only one who resurrected Himself (literally, no one but God is capable of self-resurrection)! He was seen by many, in many places; He partook of food, and His disciples also touched His hands, feet, and side.
So, those two things are vital to our hope and belief in eternal life!
And He did all this...all the agony, all the excruciating pain, all the tears and heartache...for you.
Jay Wolf, my pastor, said it like this: "I am Barabas."At first, I didn't understand. Then he outlined this picture (the basic story was Jay's, but I embellished, because I love to paint mental pictures):
It's cold and dark in the cell. Barabas knew he would die soon. And he deserved it. He had done many wicked things. He knew what awaited him - a cruel and painful death, probably on a cross. Suddenly, he heard the scraping sound of a Roman soldier's hobnailed sandals start down the corridor. He shrank back in the cell, breathing hard. This was it. This was the end. He would face the punishment for the crimes he had committed. The door flung open and the guard called, "Barabas!" Barabas did not want to answer, but he knew it was only a matter of time. "Barabas!" the guard called again, "You are free to go!" Barabas stood in shock. There was no way this was really happening! The guard repeated what he said again. Barabas slowly walked towards the open door of the prison cell. As the Roman soldier escorted him out of the prison walls, Barabas was about to ask why he was being set free when he heard a tumult in the streets. "What is going on?" he asked the soldier. A ferocious mob of people were pushing and shoving in the street. There were people in the middle of the mob, but Barabas couldn't see well enough to know what was going on. The soldier grimly said, "They are crucifying three men today." Barabas was shocked. That was supposed to be him in the mob, on the way to being crucified. And yet, somehow, he was the one being let go. But also, the mob seemed especially angry. Angrier than he had ever seen. "Why are they so angry?" he questioned. The soldier shrugged and pointed to one of the men. "He says that He is the Son of God." Barabas turned and looked. He saw the man they called Jesus, struggling under the weight of His cross. His back was bloody and torn. He had a crown of thorns pressed down into His head. Barabas grimaced as a soldier shoved Jesus and He fell to the ground. Barabas had heard of this man. And all the things he had heard made Jesus seem like a good man. Not one who deserved to die on a cross. "Why would they crucify Him?" Barabas asked in shock. "I've heard of Him - He's done nothing but good things!"
The soldier shrugged again, indifferent to the injustice. "He took your place."I am Barabas. You are Barabas.
None of us deserved to be saved. Not a one.
There is no one "good enough" to have deserved what Christ did.
But that's the beauty of GRACE! We don't deserve it, yet we are offered it...out of love. Once you accept it, it's up to you what you will do with it. Use that privilege wisely.
"He died for you, so live for Him!"
This last part - this life is worth living just because He lives - really hit me on Sunday.God sent His son, they called Him, Jesus;
He came to love, heal and forgive;
He lived and died to buy my pardon,
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives!
How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride and joy he brings;
But greater still the calm assurance:
This child can face uncertain days because He Lives!
And then one day, I'll cross the river,
I'll fight life's final war with pain;
And then, as death gives way to victory,
I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He lives!
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives, all fear is gone,
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living,
Just because He lives!
This {insert what you are dealing with} life is worth the living just because He lives!
- single life...
- divorced life...
- hurting moment...
- difficult parenting life...
- physically damaged life...
- hard-to-see path...
- painful life...
- life without loved ones...
- not-as-wealthy-as-you-thought-you-would-be life...
- struggling in school life..
...It's all worth living just because He lives!
Keep pressing on, through whatever life brings your way, because Christ died for you, and that makes life worth living!!

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