Monday, April 3, 2017

last e-mail

 I apologize in advance! I am still learning how to do the e-mail newsletter (it's taking me a lot longer than I expected...yikes). Sometimes it might be sent to your junk inbox so check that if for some reason you aren't getting it. I have had a few e-mails "bounce" and I am currently trying to figure out how to resolve that. I am going to copy and paste the next several e-mails to my blog, in case someone still isn't receiving the e-mails.
****Please e-mail me at if you realize that you haven't gotten the e-mails!!!

This was my last e-mail that I sent out March 16th!!

Fully obey - and trust.

"God does not want your excuses but your obedience."

Trusting in the Faithful One...

The Lord remains faithful, even when I struggle. The last several weeks have been very exhausting mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. My enthusiasm and "joy" were apt to wain as the moments got tougher. I say "joy", because it was really happiness. JOY is a choice. Happiness is dependent on your circumstances. JOY is what you choose to feel regardless of your surroundings and environment. JOY is a fruit of the spirit, because it does not come naturally to us as fallen humans. JOY is a choice.
"And my soul shall be JOYFUL in the Lord: it shall rejoice in His salvation." Psalms 35:9
God, the Faithful One, Jehovah, my Abba Father, is the only One capable of being the source of my joy. He is the only steadfast, unchanging, immovable thing in my life. Praise the Lord!
Three songs have sweetly ministered to my weary soul this week: "Faithful One" by Selah, "Shoulders" by For King & Country, and "Even if" by Mercy Me. The common thread - HE IS FAITHFUL.

God continues to provide!

Since I started raising support in January for my next two years, the Lord has provided! My monthly budget for the 2 years is 51% covered!! Praise the Lord - and thank you to all of you who have invested in my ministry! If you would like to know more, please e-mail me or call me! I would love to talk to you!

My current classroom

We have spring break next week (praise the Lord), but I will be busy meeting with people and preparing for accreditation. Please be praying for us the last week in March as we have our site visit for accreditation! Please continue praying for me as I invest in my students. Recently we have been talking about what Easter means, so pray that the Lord will begin a new work in their young hearts!

Wisteria Crayon Blog
Hannah's personal giving page

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